Student Politics? No need to worry!
HMJ Kimia held a succession activity on February 1, 2019. The purpose of this activity was to elect competent Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of HMJ Kimia for the 2019/2020 service period in accordance with predetermined terms and conditions. The two packages for the candidates for chairman and vice chairman are:
First pair: Gede Agus Hendra Wirawan (chairman candidate) and Ni Luh Putu Agustina Putri (vice-chairman candidate).
Second pair: I Kadek Parwantara Aryanika (chairman candidate) and Ni Putu Yanghoney Cristina (vice-chairman candidate).
This activity begins with the presence of HMJ members, and invitations are held at 07.00–07.30 WITA. After the attendance activity, all committee members, HMJ Chemistry members, and invitees attended the opening ceremony, which started at 8:00 WITA and was opened by the Head of the Chemistry Department. The two candidate packages were chosen through a series of trials, including Plenary Session I, which took place at 08.30-10.30 WITA to discuss the agenda, order of the session, and the election of a permanent session presidium, which was then determined at Plenary Session 1 at 09.55-10.07 WITA, and Plenary Session II, which took place at 10.07-10.31 WITA to report the accountability report of the management of HMJ Chemistry for the
The first stage in this plenary session is deliberation, starting at 14.43–15.35 WITA, conducted by trial participants by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each candidate package so that trial participants can make a choice. However, the deliberations that were held did not get a consensus result, so the session had to be continued with lobbying. After lobbying, the results of the lobbying did not result in a consensus decision. Seeing the results of deliberations and lobbying that have not reached a consensus, the election for the chairman and deputy chairman of HMJ Kimia for the 2019/2020 term of office was carried out by voting. Voting is carried out once at 15.35–17.18 WITA. Voting is carried out to definitively determine the Chairman and Deputy Chairperson of HMJ Kimia for the 2019/2020 term of office. The III Plenary Session was held at 17.18–17.24 WITA, namely, the determination of the results of the III Plenary Session with the results of candidate package number 2, namely I Kadek Parwantara Aryanika and Ni Putu Yanghoney Cristina, who were elected chairmen and deputy chairmen of HMJ Kimia for the 2019–2020 term. The 2019 Chemistry HMJ Succession activity was officially closed by the Head of the Chemistry Department at 18.30 WITA. At this closing, it was coupled with the handing over of mementos in the form of a charter for all HMJ Kimia management for the 2018–2019 term of service. (#septianektrueno-ed)