The Chair of the Chemistry Department at the Ganesha University of Education, who on this occasion was represented by the Secretary of the Chemistry Department, symbolically released the graduates of the Chemistry Department Student Association for the August 2019 period. The point of this event was to give Chemistry graduates back to their parents who had studied there before. Sunday, August 25, 2019.
Time flies—that’s probably the appropriate word for us to use because it doesn’t feel like it’s been more or less 4 years since Chemistry Department students from classes 2012 to 2015 became part of the department. They have completed their knowledge as students as well as training to prepare for their futures as teachers, with the hope that later they will have experience dealing with the real world of education.
The release ceremony for prospective graduates and graduates of the Chemistry Department Student Association for the August 2019 period was attended by 40 graduates and graduates, including:
- Putu Prami Pradnyani, A.Md.
- Ni Kadek Intan Yuliastrini, A.Md.
- Luh Reka Agustini, A.Md.
- Anak Agung Istri Wulan Oktavianti, A.Md.
- Fibrianita Suryaningsih, A.Md.
- Shintya Dwi Damayanti, A.Md.
- Nada Nur Azizah, A.Md.
- Ni Kadek Dian Dwi Lestari, A.Md.
- Ananda Sahira, A.Md.
- Ni Nyoman Trisna Yanti, A.Md.
- Tutuk Widyawati, A.Md.
- Luh Cinta Krismiari, A.Md.
- Ni Luh Putu Liang Sri Wahyuni, A.Md.
- Putu Ayu Dian Astari, A.Md.
- Pande Putu Indira Prima Dewi, A.Md.
- I Putu Putra Sedhana, A.Md.
- Gede Yudha Yasa Widhana, A.Md.
- I Made Tisna Dwija Putra, S.Pd.
- Ika Hermayanthi Dachlan, S.Pd.
- Fikriatul Khairat, S.Pd.
- Kadek Bagus Narendra, S.Pd.
- Ni Luh Yuni Ari Pratiwi, S.Pd.
- Putu Eka Sukma Diantari, S.Pd.
- Komang Melina Dewi, S.Pd.
- Firry Abidah, S.Pd.
- Ni Made Arie Kusuma Santhi, S.Pd.
- Ida Ayu Dwi Tuntun Harta Sari, S.Pd.
- Ni Luh Ika Sanjiwani, S.Pd.
- Made Darmaprathiwi Adiningsih, S.Pd.
- Putu Nia Apriliani, S.Pd.
- Ahmad Ferdian, S.Pd.
- Ni Kadek Ari Damayanti, S.Pd.
- Ni Kadek Dwi Diniari, S.Pd.
- Ni Putu Kris Ayu Widiawati, S.Pd.
- Ni Putu Sari Antari, S.Pd.
- Ni Komang Putri Lusiana Dewi, S.Pd.
- Ni Putu Nanik Puspita Sari, S.Pd.
- I Ketut Bandem Elyadi, S.Pd.
- I Made Dwi Pradnyana Negara, S.Pd.
- Vina Dwi Putriani, S.Pd.
There are many stories from prospective graduates and graduates during their time as students in the Chemistry Department or during their time as members of the Chemistry Student Association Board, one of which is how to wait for the lecturer for thesis guidance. Laughter, jokes, sorrow, and joy are always part of an experience.
Congratulations to the brothers and sisters; hopefully the knowledge that has been obtained in the Department of Chemistry can lead to experience in becoming a professional teacher.